The Running Robot- What is Proper Arm Motion?
Posted by Matt Russ on 13th Sep 2016
As a connoisseur of running form, I often observe a type of arm mechanics I
term "the robot." This means the runner has a long arm motion, open elbow angle,
and the arms are working more forward of the torso. If the fingers are fixed
and straight it completes the picture (warning Will Robinson).
Arm motion is very important in running. The arms work to counter-balance the hips and can even provide lift and bursts of power to the stride. However, excessive or inefficient arm motion works against the runner and wastes energy. There are a few basics to conquer in order to make your upper body motion more efficient.
First, your elbow angle should be fixed and at 90 degrees or less. A long lever arm requires more energy to move versus a short one. Try keeping your arms strait and moving them as quickly as possible. Now keep your elbow bent at 90 degrees and do the same; it should be a lot easier. There should be no motion from the elbow joint as you run; arm motion should be from the shoulder joint.
Second, the arms should work front to back and rotational movement should be avoided. If you are stiff shouldered, this will be difficult. The arms need to swing in loose arcs from the shoulder joints like pendulums. Concentrate on relaxing your trapezius and shoulder muscles. Rotation from the shoulders causes an opposite reaction at the hips and wastes energy. Efficient runners have little rotation at the hips.
Next, keep a loose fist or open hand. Your posture should be tall, chest out, and forearms swinging somewhere between your lower rib cage and upper pelvis. Try lightly brushing your sides with your palms to orient your arm position.
Every runner has a certain style and it is often not necessary to attempt to correct it. I do see asymmetrical arm or hand motion that can throw off the stride. This may be caused by compensation for a previous injury or simply a habit that was formed. Avoid excessive gesturing while running.
The energy you save can now be directed to parts of your body that need it more, like your legs.