
Trainers and Rollers

Working out on your trainer or rollers used to seem like punishment, but that has all changed with the invent of smart trainers.  Smart trainers allow you to access a wide variety of software and apps such as Zwift and Trainer Road that make indoor cycling fully interactive, fun, challenging, and more road like.  You can race other riders across the internet, ride your favorite courses, and interact with a spin class from your living room.  They also provide you with a wide variety of training data.  The trainers themselves can simulate road conditions better than ever and have a very road like feel.  Best of all smart trainers have become much more affordable.  Even your mechanical trainers can be made "smart" with a few sensors and a transmitter.

Direct drive trainers from brands such as Tacx, Saris, and Kinetic attach directly to your bicycle frame creating a quieter, more stable, and road like experience.  They do not wear out your rear tire and produce trainer flat spot that can be hazardous to outdoor riding, and put less stress on your bicycle.  

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